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Migrating from v1 to v3

Concurrent Tasks v3 comes with a host of changes to the API to make it simpler and easier to use.

The entire code has been migrated to TypeScript to provide auto-completion while ensuring type safety.

Breaking changes

There are a few breaking changes which you need to be aware of while migrating.

Dropped support for Node < 18

With Node 16 reaching EOL September 11th, 2023, it just made more sense to drop support for older versions when running in Node-based environments.

This majorly only affects you if you use Concurrent Tasks in Node environments, for example:

  • Bundling
  • Servers
  • CLIs

If you use Node versions below 18, the ideal solution is for you to upgrade.

If for some reason you are unable to upgrade, no worries. With NPM and PNPM, you should be able to install just fine. With Yarn, you can simply use the --ignore-engines flag:

Terminal window
yarn add concurrent-tasks --ignore-engines

Named exports over default exports

Concurrent Tasks now only provides named exports. This is to align with the move to TypeScript which means we also need to make types available for you to consume for better type safety.

import TaskRunner from 'concurrent-tasks';
import { TaskRunner } from 'concurrent-tasks';

Removed autoStart configuration option

Previously with Concurrent Tasks, you could pass autoStart as true while creating the runner instance.

Whenever you added tasks via add or addMultiple methods, it would cause the runner to start executing. This was a source of a lot of confusion since the runner also provides a start method.

With v3, we are removing this option in favour of start method to remove implicitness.

import { TaskRunner } from 'concurrent-tasks';
const runner = new TaskRunner({
concurrency: 10,
autoStart: true
runner.add((done) => {
console.log("I am a task!");

Busy status is now a property instead of a method

If you are using the isBusy method, you will now have to use the busy property instead.

import { TaskRunner } from 'concurrent-tasks';
const runner = new TaskRunner()