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About the project

Concurrent Tasks mimics a queue by using JavaScript’s inbuilt array data type. Each task is a function which signals completion back to the runner.

Once tasks are added, the instance starts executing them until the concurrency criteria is met. Whenever a task is complete, the next task in the queue is picked up.

Why another task runner?

While writing fragments or a priority queue in JavaScript, we often come across quite a few hurdles. There’s either no real native option, or we need to write a lot of code to get the desired results.

Concurrent Tasks aims to solve this by providing a simplistic queue. The queue not only maintains the order, but also enables you to manipulate it.

What can I use it with?

The minimalism of Concurrent Tasks makes it an easy-to-use solution across any framework or flavour of JavaScript. It has ZERO dependencies and can be used virtually in any scenario. With a minified and gzipped size of 2.7kB, it is the ultimate lightweight tool for your concurrency needs.

  • Vanilla JavaScript
  • Frontend Frameworks (React, Vue, Angular, etc)
  • Backend Frameworks (Express, Hapi, Koa, etc)
  • NPM Module
  • Node CLI Application